It is so hot! I'm writing this post in an air-conditioned Bar and Grill in Palo Verde and am not so excited about setting up a tent tonight. The heat is intense and its wearing me out! I ran into a rather large group of cyclists today at a Starbucks. They were riding with a chase vehicle that supplied everything they need, including shelter. I'm way more into self-contained touring, it feels much more rewarding. One of the ladies in the group crashed in San Diego and has massive damage on her face and knee. Throw a little more make-up on her and she'd be a shoe-in as an extra on the Walking Dead. Poor lady.
This blog was approved by Google for AdSense!!! Thanks to all the folks who check it out and read it! It's a way I can make a little money on the road. You'll be seeing some advertisements pop up here and there. If you see one that might be up your ally, go ahead and click on it and look around. Support the ads that will be supporting me :)
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I'm getting hundreds of views each day. If it can somehow get into the thousands, I could potentially live off of this blog. Kind of a stretch, but optimism got me here in the first place. Share it with whoever you can and try to check it out yourself as often as you can.
Bet in the next 100 miles a companion vehicle might be nice! But you'll do great on your own I know. maybe just duck behind one of those big sand dunes!