Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 5 Pt. 2

Well, I spoke too soon. I found an awesome campsite with wifi and outlets. 50 Pesos and way better than any US campsite I've been to, except for one in Prescott, AZ. The view is great and my tent sits under a group of large trees. (pictures below).

The ride today was short, 28 miles, but the wind was outrageous. In my face for the entire ride. As soon as I set up camp, it died down and has made for a beautiful afternoon and evening. I'll get to watch the sun go down... and let me tell ya, the colors are astounding. I'm debating staying here for two nights. It's that nice.

Dogs!!! Holy crap. Stray dogs are everywhere. Not just mutts, but Pitbulls and German Sheppards. They love to bark and chase me for about thirty yards. It's definitely a little frightening. Haven't been bitten yet. Ha. I have, however, put one of my knives in a place I can quickly grab it. If any dog chooses to get too close, well, I'm going to protect myself. Sorry pooch.

Here are some pictures!